Monday, December 21, 2009

Teak Wood Temple

In the province of Nontaburi, just outside Bangkok, we visited the temple grounds of Wat Sang Katan famous for its teak wood structure. The temple grounds is surrounded by water where visitors can find boat houses, wooden houses constructed on boats. When we arrived, the prayer chant was going on and Buddhist nuns were all over the place assisting the newly arrived devotees.

JM managed to smile while this photo was taken inspite of the heat and the glare of the noontime Sun.

Another boat house we saw that day. I have no idea what these boat houses are for , but there's a few of these on water.

A golden Buddha structure in a prayer/mediation pose on a dried pond in the temple grounds.

The teak wood temple.

A front view of the elaborately designed roof top.

A view from the side of the teak wood temple.

One of the teakwood columns showing a carving of the preaching Buddha.

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