Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I Have Been Up to Lately

1. Invigilating, yes, its final exams this week.
2. Coping up with the end of the semester deadlines.
3. Foreseeing my work next week, what with the English Camp and exam. paper marking plus this never ending paper work, I'll surely manage with careful planning.
4. Thinking what to do on my next holiday.
5. Planning my Christmas shopping.
6. Planning home lessons for my son.
7. Wanting to go shopping for some nice girl stuff, but cannot find the time to do so.
8. Updating my 3 blogs, ,my Facebook and Flickr accounts for an hour before bedtime.
9. Praying constantly for family members especially those far from me and for a bright future for my only son and
10. Getting in touch with long lost friends.

Have a nice day everyone !

1 comment:

Mary Christmas said...

You have been busy - hope you have a relaxing weekend!